I have so many memories of you, and will never forget the day that you were born.
Although you were nearly two weeks early, I have a confession to make: I took castor oil to see if it would start my labor because I just couldn't wait to see you... and the doctor told me that I was to the point that if my labor started, they wouldn't stop it, since you were so healthy and strong. The castor oil worked. It made me so icky sick at first though. Your dad went to bed because he had to get up so early, but I stayed up and started timing the contractions. They were so far apart at first that I figured it was false labor. By five in the morning, they were very regular at ten minutes apart and getting stronger.
I figured I should wake your dad up. We decided to go ahead and get to the hospital. We got there probably around six (I'm going from memory here) and by then the contractions were about 5 minutes apart and really hurting. I didn't want an epidural, but I didn't know what I was in for. The pain got so bad that I begged for the epidural. When the anesthesiologist put the needle in my back, he hit a nerve. I was laying on my left side and my left leg started kicking and freaking out, completely out of my control, which really scared me. So he backed the needle out and put it back in, which started to take away my pain within just a couple of minutes. But even today I can feel where he put the needle and sometimes I still get sharp pains there. When the doctor checked me before leaving the room, I was dilated to a five.
After the epidural took effect, your dad decided to go down and get his lunch out of the car since he didn't have breakfast. Just a couple of minutes after he left the room, while I was on the phone with Sena, I felt something completely change in my body. It had only been fifteen minutes since your dad and the doctor had left the room, but I told Sena that I would call her back, and I paged the nurse. When the nurse came in, I told her that I knew something felt different, but that I didn't know what, since I really couldn't feel much. She checked me and asked me where your dad went, because I was dilated to ten and ready to push. From 5-10 in 15 minutes!
They took me from the 'labor room' that I was in and rolled me into a 'delivery room', and the whole time I was asking them to please find my husband. It turns out that when he went down the elevator to get his lunch, the doctor was on the same elevator headed to a c-section.
But your dad got there in time, while the nurses were begging me not to push because the doctor wasn't there yet. And while all this is going on, they ask if it's okay to have a group of med students watch my birth? I really didn't care, because how else are they going to learn? So about 5 med students then crammed in the room.
But your dad got there in time, while the nurses were begging me not to push because the doctor wasn't there yet. And while all this is going on, they ask if it's okay to have a group of med students watch my birth? I really didn't care, because how else are they going to learn? So about 5 med students then crammed in the room.
But where, oh where is the doctor? I really am feeling the pressure and desperately want (need!) to push at this point. Then I hear the nurse on the phone with the doctor, 'if you don't get down here, I'M delivering this baby!' He got there in the nick of time to catch you after only three pushes.
Our little 7 pound 4 ounce bundle of joy. I'll never forget the feelings that overwhelmed me when they laid you on my stomach. There are no words to describe the love and joy and happiness I felt to finally meet you! I turned my tear-filled eyes up at your dad, and his face was streaked with tears also. As I looked up around the room at all those med students, it made me laugh... they were crying too.
As I started to rub my fingers over your head, I realized that your hair was blonde. That was one of the first things I said to your dad, 'he's blonde!?!?' and your dad's response was, 'no, that's just that lotion stuff'. But lo and behold, after your dad went with them to get you all cleaned up, he rolled you in and proudly announced to me, 'he's blonde!' We just couldn't believe that WE got a perfect little blue-eyed and blonde little baby boy.
Chris, you bring me so much joy every single day of my life. I'm so very proud of the young man you are today and the man you are becoming... you amaze me! I'm floored that you're sixteen already... and that we will be going to get your driver's license soon! Thank you for being such a wonderful son and brother - we all love you so very much!