Have you ever taken your kids Cheater Fishin'? There's a great STOCKED POND in south Utah County that my sister knew about and decided to take the kids to a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't pass the opportunity to go take pictures. This little family owned and operated pond is complete with fishing poles, worms, guaranteed catch... and they even CLEAN the fish for you! We had so much fun and my kids are already begging to go back again!
We started by petting the dog (of course):

Then we picked poles:

And got them baited with worms:

Cast the lines:

And put on our fishin' faces:

Katy had the first catch of the day. She was super excited about because she's competitive like her mother:

Tessa kept seeing the fish jumping:

And was trying so hard to be patient (she even found a rock to stand on for a better view of the lake):

So I tried to give her some help:

And so did her Aunt Kathryn:

But her patience started to wan when Katy caught another fish:

But I had to laugh when she refused to touch it, and the little boy that worked there had to take it off the hook for her:

This is her telling me, 'WHAT? You can't expect me touch it, it's GROSS!':

So Tessa and Aunt Kathryn got a new worm on her line:

And her patience finally paid off:

But she wouldn't touch hers either, so a cute little pregnant gal that was there with her cute family took it off for her (what? did you expect me to put my camera down?)

This is my nephew Josh. He caught a couple of fish too, only he didn't yell and tell me, so I never got a photo of it. I told him that was against the rules....

Trevor was being more patient than I'd ever seen him before:

He cast his line over and over again:

He even got excited several times when he felt the nibbles, but they kept getting away:

We had to re-worm several times:

But they kept getting away, and so this cool guy (pregnant gal's husband) gave him a few pointers, seeing that we were teaching him girlie fishin' - he was the picture of patience and I was really glad for a man being there to help Trevor:

And finally a good tug on the line:


Because even though it was the LAST fish of the day (of about a dozen), it was also the BIGGEST (which is all a boy cares about apparently):

And he wasn't afraid to touch it, because he is ALL BOY:

And while we were waiting to get them cleaned, Tessa decided to have some lemonade and hold a cow:

Everyone thought it was cool to watch them get cleaned, even my animal-loving Tessa. I didn't take any gory pictures, but here was the dinner that I couldn't eat, because I hate fish:

We had a ton of fun... if you get a chance, you should take your kids... just ask Tessa! *Ü*