Monday, June 30, 2008

My Heart Melted...

My heart completely melted yesterday during sacrament meeting in church, when we were singing. Mike nudged me and pointed to Trevor, my 9-year-old. I couldn't hold back the tears when I watched him, with the hymn book just inches from him face and singing loud and strong, with full purpose of heart, 'I Believe in Christ', as though the words he was singing were piercing his little heart and melting into his whole being!
When the song was over, I looked over at Tessa, my 7-year-old, and she was drawing, and again I teared up at what she had just written... 'I am a child of God.'
How wonderful it is to know that my children are growing in the gospel of Jesus Christ and know that they are children of God... and that they do believe in Jesus Christ... we are so blessed!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I'm sitting here sipping my white grape Crystal Light (which is very, very delish, by the way) and wandering in and out of other people's lives like no tomorrow. I'm learning all kinds of new words like 'tagging' and uh, 'blogligated'... and all I can think is 'WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE'? And 'why do I think they're all so freaking adorable' and 'this is so cool that I get a little sneak peek into their world.' Then it hit me like a ton of bricks: OH MY GOSH, I'M A SPY!!!

Seriously, so in very humble apology to anyone I have been spying on (oh, if you only knew how many - and it's not like they know anyway... because, well, I've been SPYING), I decided to put a little piece of myself out there and take Kami up on her tag to everyone - and I had to make it from Kami because she's the only one I've admitted to that I've looked at her cute blog... although, believe me... I know who YOU are... (this is where I'm hearing psycho music in my head.) So here goes...

How to play the game. Post these rules on your blog: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, and 3 Random surprises about yourself. Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 JOYS -

*Being a mom - I know that's totally a general statement, but it fully brings me joy each and every day of my life. Watching them not only try the things they do, but seeing them succeed - that is so joyous!

*Tapioca pudding - I feel like I need it in my fridge at all times lately, it brings me comfort, and I very rarely share with the kids - they get otter pops and have to eat them outside because I'm sick of my floor, table, chairs, etc. being sticky this summer!

*Scaring my husband - it truly is one of my favorite pastimes. In our new house, there's a clear shower door (of all things!), which has completely ruined my ritual of sneaking in and SLAPPING the shower curtain, thus causing my big, buff husband to squeal like a girl - I've honestly had some of the best laughs of my life in the bathroom! I've been very verbal about my sad loss over a shower curtain.

3 Fears -

*Lately, the one I've thought about nearly every day is the fact that my kids are growing up way too fast - I blink and they are different. Just the other day I went to wag my finger in Chris's face (oh, teenagers!), when I realized that not only was my neck kinked from looking up at him, but if he keeps growing my arm may not reach that high, even with my finger fully extended (okay, a little exaggerated - but he is tall). Although one of my greatest joys is watching them grow and succeed, I fear for the day that they don't need me anymore. I ravish in it when they roam through the house calling my name - I even sometimes hide so I can hear them call for me just a little longer. I know, sick, huh? What's worse is that when they get close, I usually jump out and scare the bejeebers out of 'em - sick, but so funny from my perspective - remember, it brings me joy, so it's justifiable, right?

*That someone I know will send me this card - because that means they've jumped on a trampoline with me. Every time I get off, Katy asks (while laughing), "Did that 'thing' happen to you again, mom?" Well, hardy-har-har, Katy... laugh it up, kid - one day you will have had babies, too!

*That one of my kids will actually believe that I love one of the others more. I secretly tell each of them that they're my favorite - but it's a secret - hopefully they don't tell each other. If they do, it will be a harbinger ( word of the day - go me!) for a huge family feud. I have a friend at work who's kids actually come in and count how many pictures there are of them to make sure there are equal amounts of each one of them. But I have to say, Jill, no matter how much I tease you about this - I KNOW YOU LOVE THEM THE SAME, I promise I know.

3 Goals -

*To get a table set that actually has a minimum of 6 chairs. Right now, Mike and I take turns sitting in the folding chair and on the bucket. At least I'm keeping my goal of us eating dinner at the table together, right?

*To get the Adidas Strikerfest over and done with (and that it's as great a success - or better - than last year) - and hope that I don't get fired for all the phone calls I've been getting about it at work.

*To get to know my new neighbors better - and be a better person to the friends I already have.

3 Current Obsessions/Collections -

*Blogging (obviously) is my latest - and I so enjoyed this post, although it was one of the ones that made me wonder, "Who are these people?", and I was very content that I was NOT a blogger until I read number 15, and then after that - 'blog stalker' - yep, that's me.

*Reading - I will read ANYTHING - seriously, anything that is put into my hands, but the obsessed part comes in because once I get into a book, it's very annoying to me to have to put it down.

*Soccer - because even though I LOVE watching Katy do karate (she is the most beautiful creature in the world doing those forms!), I don't like watching anyone else do it - but soccer, I could watch any game, any time, any place - and if I don't know the two teams or have a loyalty to one or the other, it never fails, I'm always rooting for whoever is losing - because I like the underdog.

3 Random Surprises About Yourself -

*I love my crockpot - sometimes I come home and want to hug her and thank her for being so loyal.

*My favorite frustration word is 'argh!' - yes, like a pirate, only I'm not a pirate. My kids know that if I say it, that I've had enough.

*One of my biggest pet peeves is people who don't take their carts to a cart return - it drives me crazy, so when I take mine to the return (or all the way back in sometimes because it's closer), I try to stack one or two strays and take them with me on my way - unless I'm in hurry, but even then I always put mine away.

Okay, so the thing is - I don't know anyone to tag - that is so sad. So if anyone is lonely enough that they read this, and you have your own blog, consider yourself tagged. Oh wait, RICH! I know Rich! You're IT!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Celebrating My Best Friend...

Happy Birthday, Mike! I won't say how old he is, but it starts with a 4 and ends in a 1! *Ü*

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Day in the Park

A few weeks ago, we went for a picnic and took some pics... here are some of our faves.... just click on 'play', then on 'play' again in the bottom left corner...

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We're Home!

Home is a place our little family has been seeking for a while... it's been a long and emotional journey, but we're here! Hooray! I feel like I've been homesick for about four years now. In all of our bouncing around (it's a really LONG story!), I've sometimes gotten irritated at myself for feeling homesick. You know the saying, "Home is where the heart is", but I just couldn't get my heart into the places we've been, although I've come away a better person from the people and experiences in each one! I know that home is more than just a roof over our heads - it's been an extremely huge lesson for me to learn. We're just so glad to be here!
We aren't even close to being all settled in, and as is expected, it's been a transition, especially for the kids, but we've already met some really great people in our neighborhood and ward.
Chris and Trevor both made Utah Rangers Premier Soccer teams, and so now their home fields are super close to us - that's a HUGE plus for the mom that totes them around - I was traveling 20 minutes (one way) back-and-forth who knows how many times a week!
Katy's new karate studio is also closer to us now... and she's really enjoying it, even though she was super nervous about going.
We're closer to my sister and her family (oh-so-fun to have the cousins near!) and also Mike's parents. The pro list just keeps getting bigger, doesn't it? So now I'm going to try to find a place for Tessa to take dance, and we'll all just settle in for the ride - and hope we never have to MOVE again!
As Ty would say, "Welcome home, family, welcome home!"