My friend Kami at The Biggie Blog gave me an award! And now that I'm over the inital shock and shaking and remembered that I did, indeed, have that 'thank you' list in my bra (I was so flustered I forgot!), I am now able to post.
Although she didn't specify the actual name of my award, I'm going to go with "Most Promising New Blogger" or maybe "New Blog on the Block", or maybe even "Beer: It's For the Lawn - No, Really". Since I'm one of those people that never wins anything... it doesn't matter what this award is for, I'm taking it! And because the love can't and won't stop with me, I now present this glamorous award to the following:
1. Beth at Sugar and Spice - Because I'm so lucky that she's my cousin and friend! She is one of those people that is actually as cute in person as she is on her blog. I can't think of her or anyone in her family without smiling. Oh, and if you're ever in need of a good hair day - she's the one to call - she's way hair talented!
2. Laurie at Jacobson Party of 7! - Another neighbor and friend (hence the 'new blog on the block', because I literally am). Because she got me hooked on Goodreads - and because I read a totally naughty language book that she recommended - and loved it! And also because she is that way laid-back, spur-of-the-moment mom that I wish I could be - she has the best posts about their family adventures and expeditions.
3. Amanda at SouleMama - I don't know her and probably never will, because I pretty much just blurk on her blog. But she has the most amazing photos and thoughts - another one of those moms that loves going on adventures with her kids. You should read this post - it's one of my favorites - I wish I could put my thoughts into words that well.
4. Chris on Facebook - His blog is private.... really private.... once I sent a request to be a 'friend' and he denied me (his own mother!) but what he doesn't know is that I'm smart... way smarter than he thinks and I have my ways of keeping tabs, so after the initial shock, I got over it, and have laughed about it ever since... because I so would have denied my mom too, but we couldn't deny people from atari (which was our high-tech) - we didn't need to deny anyone the pleasure of watching that ball bounce back-and-forth, back-and-forth...
5. Andrea at mcconahay.net - She's one of my oldest and best friends from high school (go tigers!) and I think that she was one of the very first bloggers - I've been able to check in on their family for probably about nine or ten years now. I always thought it was super cool, so I don't know why it took me so long to jump into this blogboat. She's also way fun to be around... and if you like usborne books - she's your go-to gal... she runs great specials all the time!
The really great thing about this particular tag is that you don't have to play along - just accept your award and live high on the hog for a day or two! But if you so choose to play, here's the rules:
1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. You must nominate 5 fellow bloggers for this award (yep, I changed that one - I only had 5, so I couldn't ask you for more than me, but if want, you can nominate 7).
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.
Last but not least.... Congratulations, everyone! I think you're all awesome!
Congrats! Thanks for spreading the love!
ReplyDeleteI am laughing about Chris denying you! That's funny.
ReplyDeleteThank you for my award. I usually don't win anything!! But how do I copy it? I can't make it work.
I want to know which book you loved but unfortunately most of the books I read have a touch of naughty language so you will have to give me more details ;-)
I wanting to thank all my fans...I couldn't do it without you! No really thanks! I feel extra special, and I think you are so sweet.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta give your readers the name of that book, we want to read it too!
Wow, Tricia! Thanks so much for the award! That made me feel really good.
ReplyDeleteI needed an upboost this week, so that made my day!
You're a great friend and I'm glad we can keep in touch!
:-) Andrea