Sunday, September 14, 2008

Passing Notes

Normally it's against the rules in church. They're allowed to draw, etc, but not pass anything around; simply because it causes a lot of moving around and disrupts not only the passer, but also the receiver and anyone in between. For some reason, today Tessa got away with it. I know, I know... I need to work on my consistency, but ahhhh, whatever.
The background on this one is this: right at the beginning of church, Mike and I had to leave for a few minutes. Katy was left with the daunting task of kid keeper. Gathering from the story I got after church? Brats. Both of them. To the point that, "Mom, the whole bishopric was looking at us!" And then, "IT'S NOT FUNNY, MOM!" I just really thought the note was cute. Katy wasn't buying into it. Here it is:

This one was so cute, but then when I heard Katy's story, I knew it could have been a buttering-up for us. I don't even care. I'll take all the praise I can get.

This one just made me laugh:

I don't even know what she was thinking on this one, but it made me want one:

I really have no idea why I'm including this one, because it really makes you wonder what's going on in our family. But it made me laugh... and gag at the same time. 
Note: 'boor' is 'door', and so on...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

You're Invited...

To join me for a movie clip party!

Time: As soon as you locate your favorite movie clip(s)
Place: Your blog
Date: Sometime within the next week

My friend Kami at The Biggie Blog invited me and I couldn't resist... simply because in our family, we LOVE to quote movies and guess what movie it was from. We definitely have some that are quoted over and over and over. Mike is the king of this game... I don't even try to keep up with him, but I do have some faves. By the way, if you ever want free entertainment, you ought to ask him to do some of his impressions/quotes... he's quite good and keeps me laughing. 
There are no rules... your clips can be romantic, comedy, drama, adventure, horror... anything you want.
Here are my picks:

First:  The Princess Bride - I couldn't find the clip with, "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife... and I'm not sure I want to be that anymore after what you just said!", which is probably my favorite line, but when I watch it I remember how great all the one-liners in this movie are.

Next:  Step Mom - by far one of my favorite movies of all time. I think this is the best scene of the entire movie, and even though I've seen it who-knows-how-many times, I cry every single time. Yes, every time. But I also love the scene where Jackie (Susan Sarandon) comes home and Isabelle (Julia Roberts) has put up life-size pics of the kids... cried there, too. I'm a real bawl baby. 

And next: The Three Amigos... not necessarily one of my favorite movies, but very quotable, and has been a lot around here. I do think this scene is funny, though.

I couldn't leave out: Better Off Dead - seriously.... I said, "I want my two dollars.." at work a few months ago and no one knew what I was talking about. What were you people doing back in the good ole' days when there were movies like this? (wink)

And only because I just couldn't leave it out, especially because I mentioned it in my last post: P.S. I Love You - I seriously loved this movie - if you haven't seen it, you oughta. If something ever happened to my husband, the love of my life, someone would definitely have to come and save me from myself. He, however, wouldn't write a letter if his life depended on it, so we wouldn't have to worry about that part - I'm lucky if I get a 'love ya babe' on an anniversary or birthday card. That's okay, I make up for it by watching movies like this. 

RSVP in my comments if you want to join in... hope you can... if not, then I hope you at least go find a good movie, curl up, and have your favorite treat! *Ü*

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I am a total romantic by nature.... on my long list of favorite movies, two that stand out right now are 'P.S. I Love You' and 'The Notebook'. It dawned on me today that a similarity they have is the letters and stories that were written to or from a loved one. I have always loved to write, and recently in unpacking some boxes, I've discovered some letters that I wrote to Chris when he was very little. It helped me remember that young mother that I was, and how miraculous that little baby was to me, along with some little details that I have since forgotten, even though at the time, I was sure I would never forget. 
Within the last couple of weeks I've received on my doorstep: dinners from neighbors and family, fresh vegetables with a note from my mother-in-law, a hand-made card from my sister-in-law, a sweet gift and card from a dear friend, and even some homemade ice cream from my sister. I was also blessed to receive an email from a cousin that lives far away, and found a long lost friend (best friends from 5th grade!) that found Chris on facebook. Letters, cards, notes.. they are so personal, and when I get an envelope in the mail (or dropped on the porch, taped to the door, or even an email or post on this blog), with the handwriting or words of someone I love, something happens in my heart, and I'm so grateful that they remembered me and not only took the time to think of me, but actually took the time to write. 
There isn't anything like a hand-written letter... it's like a window into the soul... I know that I can say things in a letter that I may not be able to say in person. Sometimes they're the things that are closest to my heart, and if I said them out loud, it would just sound cheesy. 
I'm challenging myself to write a few this week... love letters, by hand, to those 'someone specials' in my life. I don't do it enough anymore. Finding the ones I wrote to Chris reminded me how precious they are... and what a history they can leave behind.
Will you join me? Write a love letter to your husband, wife, or to your children; or write and thank someone for something they've done, no matter how small it may have seemed. How old are the stamps in your wallet? Get them out and make sure they don't need an extra penny stamp added on! *Ü*

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our Beautiful Freckle Face

Tessa's first soccer game was last week and I was sad that she had her first 'trash talk' experience. I couldn't believe it was starting already! I was running late getting to the game because I had to pick up/drop off other kids to their activities. When I finally did get there, I found Tessa on the sideline looking sullen. As soon as she saw me, she got up, ran into my arms and broke into tears. When I finally got her comforted enough to tell me what happened, she told me that one of the girls on the other team had called her 'freckle face'...

Trevor: Which one? Tessa, show me which one!
Me: No, Trevor, you don't need to know which one. (I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears)
Trevor: Yes, I do! Tessa, which one was it?
Me: Tessa, don't tell him which one. (at which point she simply pointed - fine, no telling needed).
Trevor: Her? Oh, you should have called her...
Me: No, you shouldn't call her anything!
Trevor then proceeded to pull her away from me and whisper into her ear. Sheesh, okay, I gave up fighting that one. Whatever he said, I didn't hear, but I can certainly imagine. Tessa giggled.

She still refused to go back into the game, which gave me a turn to whisper into her ear, "That little girl paid you a compliment! I love your freckles... every single one of them. They are a part of who you are... no one else in the world has freckles placed as perfectly on their face as you do. They make you unique and precious... I've never seen a more beautiful face!"

She calmed down considerably, but refused to play the rest of the game.

When I told her how proud I was of her going out after the game and giving high fives to the other team, even though I knew she didn't want to, she quickly retorted, "Oh, I didn't touch that girl!"

Oh well, one learning experience at a time... I just really hope she'll play soccer again, and if anyone ever calls her 'freckle face'? I hope she smiles and says thank you... and Trevor hopes she kicks 'em in the shinguards.