Friday, October 3, 2008

Which Twilight Heroine Are You?

I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

I'm a Bella???? Ugh. That makes me wanna whine.


  1. Ha! That's great! I'm still waiting for someone to be Rosalie!

  2. I'm woried to take it. What if I'm Rosalie??

  3. I'm Esme. You are all the GOOD things about Bella!! :-)

  4. I am a totally clueless one, and don't faint when I say this but I haven't read the books yet so I don't know who I would be.
    I have been meaning to get around to it really, I do love to read.


  5. Hey, at least Bella gets Edward, you can't complain about that!

  6. That is too funny What a cute background

  7. Ok I just took it and I am Esme Thanks that was fun. And I also agree with Dani you are all the good things about Bella

  8. I'm Esme! Sarah is reading the first book and she can't wait to see the movie! Hope all is well with you all.


  9. Okay, Okay, I finally clued in! Ha Ha
    I just realized that this was an online quiz. I guess I didn't pay too much attention before.
    Anyway I took the quiz and I am Esme. I also started reading the books on Wednesday, and am now half way through Eclipse!
    I love them!
