Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back In The Day...

The kids always laugh when we get out our old yearbooks... and this was such a fun twist on it! I was just having fun with it, checking what I may have looked like, even styles from before I was born... until we saw the last one... so close to the actual year I graduated and I couldn't believe how much it looked like my real photos from that time period (minus the obvious photoshopping effects)... oh, the memories and fun had that year! If you want to try it yourself, go to Yearbook Yourself... and laugh away!




Monday, August 25, 2008

Saying Goodbye

It's probably the thing in life that I'm the worst at. I hate saying it. We say it a special way in our little family - when we say it, it's said like it's all one word - maybe it's meant to be quick and painless? But we say it like this: 'Seeyalaterloveyabye'....

Mike and I made a huge decision recently... I've been given a job offer (and accepted it) to work for a local internet-based company. It was a decision that was, by no means, made lightly.

*Yes, it's closer to home - a lot.

*Yes, it's something that is right up my alley and I know that I will thoroughly enjoy the job itself, as well as the new friends I've made.

*Yes, there are perks besides the pay that will be super fun.

*But the thing that sold me is that although I will work away from home during the day, I will be able to work part of the time at home and be there with the kids - an awesome opportunity for any mom.

Even though all of that is awesome, it was still a hard decision to make. It's been said by a few people I've talked to, including Mike, that it's a 'no brainer'. But certainly not for me.

Why was it such a hard decision to make? Well, for starters, I wasn't looking for a new job. I loved my job. I've worked in law enforcement since 1997. Katy was not quite 2 years old when I started dispatching full-time; there was a little bit of time off after babies, but for the most part of the past eleven years, I've been privileged to have a place in a sort of second family. Not only in one department, but in two.

I've met people that have changed my life, changed who I am, and who I will be forever. I've gained friendships that can never be replaced. These are the people that have seen me at my worst - angry, frustrated, sad, embarrassed. I also dare say that on rare occassions they have seen me at my best. I even know from a reliable source that our laughter has carried through the building to the extent that someone had to close their door. I won't apologize for that! *Ü* These people have become an integral part of my life... I worry about them, I pray for them, and I love each and every one of them.

I feel like I've been one of the luckiest people in the world to have been able to work with people that I can genuinely call some of my dearest friends (Jill, Heather, Janet, and yes, even Mark... we'll always be a team). You are the ones I've confided in, the ones I've gleaned from - you've taught me so much about life - from family and the great balancing act we each do every day, to church callings and trek and girls camp, to what's happening in town and where the best eating joint is (and what are we doing for lunch today?), to what's the latest with the new building (which I don't even get to be a part of!), to what to wear and what our latest diets are, to what our favorite new songs are, and who's winning on our fantasy leagues... and I won't even mention the great gossip we've gotten down and dirty with!

You know me so well... you played Shania Twain's 'Up!' full blast when you knew I was down. You jumped up and down and screamed with me when Chris made the JV team. You've been mad at Mike just because I was... and forgave him when I did. We've made pacts not to take our business to places because one of us had an 'incident' there. You were my greatest support when life came crashing down on me last year... and you were excited and thrilled for me when we finally found home. We have cried together and more often than that, laughed together until we cried. We have private jokes that I won't even put on here - but we will always know what the peace sign really means (if held over your forehead); the truth about stars on the calendar; that Heather holding a fork will forever make us laugh; how BA wishes he could dress while directing traffic; Mark's gift before going to Hawaii; where Jill, er, 'Matilda' was before her interview with John; that the words to the song are 'three way chat'; and more important than any of those... that we would all 'go to the ground' for each other, even if it's just in our imagination because of the crazy guy in the lobby.


P.S. there are so many more... if you remember, will you share in my comments? Remember, as little detail as is needed to bring back the memory - we don't want to implicate anyone! *Ü*

Saturday, August 23, 2008

16 Years

Mike and I had our 16th wedding anniversary yesterday. So to celebrate, even though I'm a day late, here are sixteen of my favorite things about Mike being my husband:

1. I love (and have ALWAYS loved) the way you make me laugh, not just because you're free entertainment, but because I believe laughter is so good for my soul. I love that we can be rip-roaring mad at each other and that, after a while, we have to avoid eye contact because we both know that if we actually look each other in the eye, one of us might smile, and then it's over for both of us.

2. I love that you don't get mad at me when I scare you - that you know it's just one of my character flaws and that even if you did get mad, I'd still have to do it because I can't help myself.

3. I love the fact that you color my hair and paint my toenails - and that you won't get upset that I just posted that for everyone to read.

4. I love that you are the only one that loves those four kids of ours the same way that I do - and that every worry and hope and fear that I have for them, you have too, and that we can talk about all of it and make decisions together on how to raise them to be the amazing people that we already know they are.

5. I also love that they all think you're the softie (unless they're in trouble - then they run to me), that when they want something really, really bad - they go to you... and that Katy has fully admitted that all she has to do is bat her eyelashes and say, "but Daddy...." and I think it's so cute (most of the time) that you know what she's doing and you give in anyway.

6. I love remembering when each one of them was born, each with their own story, and the look on your face because you just witnessed a miracle, and how you looked at me like I was the most amazing thing ever created; and how, each time, you cried and thanked me, and told me what a great job I did... and how every time I had to remind you that WE did it - together - and that I couldn't have done it without you by my side.

7. I love that we were best friends for months before our official first date... and that we're still best friends today.

8. I love how much passion you have for things. I know that when you do something, it will be done right, even better than I can imagine, because you are passionate about everything you do, whether it's weightlifting, woodworking, fixing things, yard work, or even cleaning... and I especially love that you're passionate about me.

9. I love that you tell me almost daily how beautiful you think I am - and that it makes you mad when I roll my eyes, or do something else to shrug it off, because you mean it, and you want me to know that you mean it.

10. I love the way you laugh - right out loud, without a care in the world.

11. I love that you can just hear my voice, or take one look at my face and know what kind of day I've had. I also love that we've gotten to know each other so closely that we both know when to keep talking and when it's good just to walk away and give the other one their space. That's one of my favorite things about being married this long.

12. I love that we know all of each others flaws, secrets, embarassments, and insecurities; and that not only do we love one another in spite of them, but we help each other get over them. I also love that we know all of each others hopes and dreams and wishes, and that we desperately want to help one another see them through.

13. I love that you have a green thumb and that you share your secrets with the neighbors because you honestly want the whole block to look great.

14. I love that you call me every day, sometimes several times a day, because you can't wait to tell me the latest news, or because you want to know my latest news, or because you just want to hear my voice.

15. I love that you will eat nearly anything that I cook and tell me how good it is - and I'll never forget when we were first married and you told me that something I'd made for dinner was better than your mom's... it made me cry.

16. Last but not least, I love knowing that we were meant for each other. I remember when I was 14 or 15 and my Grandmother told me that it would be a good idea for me to start praying for my future husband, and so I did. I remember times that my heart felt heavy as I did so, and that my prayers were more fervent; and then when we met, as we shared our life stories, and I thought back on those times and those feelings, they were the times that you were struggling in your own life, times that you needed those outside prayers, and to know that I felt that half way across the country, knowing that you existed, but not knowing who you were... I know I was meant to be yours, Mike, and you were, most definitely, meant to be mine... I love you forever, for always, and no matter what.

Just for a quick update, I'm actually doing a lot better, considering the black and blue bruises all over my body. I've gone almost completely off the pain meds, which is good because they make me loopy. Thanks so much for everyone's love, concern, help, and kindness... and dinners! Especially to my wonderful sister who not only sat by my side when Mike had to go back to work, but she even cleaned my house and did my laundry while I was in and out of loopville. Thank you so much, Kathryn!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Not because anything that great is supposed to happen today, but because I'm alive and well and here to enjoy it... and especially because the kids weren't in the car with me.

On Monday evening, a full-sized van pulled out in front of me when I was going approximately 35 mph and I ran right into the side of it. It has been a traumatic event not just for me, but for the whole family. Thank you to everyone that has stepped in to help us - you have been so kind!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weeeee Are the Chammmpiooons, My Friee-eeend!

Besides having that song in my head, all we can say is 'WOW!' and 'that was awesome'! All summer long, Chris's team has thought that of their three tournaments, this one would be the hardest... and lo and behold, they took the cup! This morning they played Sparta 93 Premier - which are ranked at 19th in the nation, and won state cup (1st in the state) last season. I couldn't believe the heart these boys played with - it was INTENSITY at its best! The entire sideline was screaming through the entire game... and we won 1-0... a shut-out!!! Just to put into perspective how intense this game was: (1) one of our goalies was injured after an awesome save and not only was he out for that game, but he couldn't play in the final either; (2) another boy on our team got a red card (nope, it wasn't Dante this time) for something misconstrued by the ref, but a red card nontheless, so we were playing a man down (one less player on the field), and (3) here is a pic of one of our boys after the game, with a shredded jersey - and yes, those are claw marks on his neck:

Then for the final game, we faced the Blue Knights who had beat us the day before in their own shut-out of 3-0. I was a little worried about the boys playing a second game in the same day, in the heat, against a team they already had a loss to... especially with how hard the first game was. We brought Chris home between games so that he could ice bath and warm shower... and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Wow - they played with great intensity again and came out with Champion medals and the Sparta Cup trophy... with another shut-out of 1-0. Sweeeet!!!! Way to go Rangers 93 Premier!!!


Trevor played too!

Trevor played in this tournament too, which was super fun to watch! Unfortunately, because of some poor alignment on the part of either the tournament board or who-knows-who, they didn't get to semi-finals, even though they earned enough points to put them 3rd in their bracket (yet a team that had 3 losses got to continue play... hmmm). They finished the tournament with 1 win, 1 tie and a loss... which we thought was awesome, since these were their very first games to play together as a team! Way to go Rangers 99 WCL Premier team!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Great Surprise

A couple of weeks ago, as tournament chair for the Adidas Strikerfest, I was working really hard and putting a major amount of time into its success and completion - we had nearly 80 teams participate with us! As glad as I am that it's over, I'm equally as happy that I've had the opportunity and privilege to work with some of the most amazing people in the world - you will always be part of my 'soccer family'!

But while I was spending hours on end at the soccer fields, not only were Mike and the kids holding down the fort here at home... but they did an awesome job of it... and I'm so grateful for the help and support that they gave me while I was a complete basket case... and for the understanding and forgiveness that was given while I put them all on the backburner for a while.

Not only did they cook, clean, babysit, do laundry, etc.... but one night, when I got home completely and utterly exhausted, dead on my feet, I walked in the back door and saw this on the wall:

I'd been asking Mike for several months to make me a magnet board so that I could put the kid's chore charts and other miscellany in one area. He said that he figured a day off without me home wouldn't be much fun, so he did something nice... he spent the day at the shop making me the perfect magnet board. I've got to say, it pays to be married to the best man in world... thanks, babe... mwa, mwa, mwa!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sweet Stops

Chris and his team have been in another soccer tournament this week - the Park City Extreme Cup. They are doing well - 1st place so far in their bracket - and go to semi-finals in the morning. Gooooo Rangers!!!
Not to downplay the soccer, but since we were there, we've been visiting a little bit of Park City.... and there's nothing like walking up historic Main Street, knowing you've gotten to your destination when you smell this:

Mmmmm.... seriously, wishing you had scratch 'n sniff for this one:

The very first thing we do when we walk into The Chocolate Factory is to just stand there and enjoy the aroma and let our mouths water - and look at all of it, overwhelmed at the task of narrowing it down to just one or two...

I wonder how many times a day they have to clean that glass?

And then it happens.... THE ONE:

Then we pay as quick as we can...

And FINALLY.... a few moments of pure, exhilarating, pre-sugar-high sweetness...

Even I got in on the yumminess (no way was I just gonna just sit back and watch!)...

Can't forget to mention how much we love the bookstore that's connected to the chocolate shop... Tessa loves that their cats get to hang out too...

And even though that was all super-sugary-sweet... we couldn't pass through Heber without stopping at:

I love watching my kids experience a 'first' and since they're getting older, those are getting fewer and fewer. But this was their first Granny's experience, and I had talked it up so much, that before we even went in, I got a 'thank you' with some fresh flowers (don't tell the owners, but they were really fresh, like right out of the ground fresh)...

And yes, the shakes were all I had them talked up to be...

I wonder if we'll come off this sugar high anytime soon?