Monday, August 4, 2008

A Great Surprise

A couple of weeks ago, as tournament chair for the Adidas Strikerfest, I was working really hard and putting a major amount of time into its success and completion - we had nearly 80 teams participate with us! As glad as I am that it's over, I'm equally as happy that I've had the opportunity and privilege to work with some of the most amazing people in the world - you will always be part of my 'soccer family'!

But while I was spending hours on end at the soccer fields, not only were Mike and the kids holding down the fort here at home... but they did an awesome job of it... and I'm so grateful for the help and support that they gave me while I was a complete basket case... and for the understanding and forgiveness that was given while I put them all on the backburner for a while.

Not only did they cook, clean, babysit, do laundry, etc.... but one night, when I got home completely and utterly exhausted, dead on my feet, I walked in the back door and saw this on the wall:

I'd been asking Mike for several months to make me a magnet board so that I could put the kid's chore charts and other miscellany in one area. He said that he figured a day off without me home wouldn't be much fun, so he did something nice... he spent the day at the shop making me the perfect magnet board. I've got to say, it pays to be married to the best man in world... thanks, babe... mwa, mwa, mwa!


  1. Hi Tricia- This is Danielle Adams... I live just around the corner from you. I stumbled on to your blog and I am so glad to get to know you better! My blog is private, but I would love to send you an invite if you are interested. Just email me your email address and I'll get it out to you. My email is You have a cute blog!

  2. I love those magnet boards!!! I have wanted to make some forever, but until I have somewhere to hang them and not keep taking them down, I'm going to wait.
    Ha Ha

    Your family is so awesome! I would love to get our kids together sometime. I have a 9 yr. old boy and a 7 yr. old girl also.

    Maybe when I'm back in P.G.

  3. P.S.
    I'm laughing because the little note on the bottom right says, 'Dad, Trevor used the curtains as a napkin'.... I can laugh because the note wasn't to me, so I'm looking the other way... good luck with that one, Mike, glad you made us a board they could put notes on! *Ü*

  4. Your new quote is one of my favorites! It sounds like you are taking it to heart :-)

  5. That note in the corner cracked me up too. :)
