It's probably the thing in life that I'm the worst at. I hate saying it. We say it a special way in our little family - when we say it, it's said like it's all one word - maybe it's meant to be quick and painless? But we say it like this: 'Seeyalaterloveyabye'....
Mike and I made a huge decision recently... I've been given a job offer (and accepted it) to work for a local internet-based company. It was a decision that was, by no means, made lightly.
*Yes, it's closer to home - a lot.
*Yes, it's something that is right up my alley and I know that I will thoroughly enjoy the job itself, as well as the new friends I've made.
*Yes, there are perks besides the pay that will be super fun.
*But the thing that sold me is that although I will work away from home during the day, I will be able to work part of the time at home and be there with the kids - an awesome opportunity for any mom.
Even though all of that is awesome, it was still a hard decision to make. It's been said by a few people I've talked to, including Mike, that it's a 'no brainer'. But certainly not for me.
Why was it such a hard decision to make? Well, for starters, I wasn't looking for a new job. I loved my job. I've worked in law enforcement since 1997. Katy was not quite 2 years old when I started dispatching full-time; there was a little bit of time off after babies, but for the most part of the past eleven years, I've been privileged to have a place in a sort of second family. Not only in one department, but in two.
I've met people that have changed my life, changed who I am, and who I will be forever. I've gained friendships that can never be replaced. These are the people that have seen me at my worst - angry, frustrated, sad, embarrassed. I also dare say that on rare occassions they have seen me at my best. I even know from a reliable source that our laughter has carried through the building to the extent that someone had to close their door. I won't apologize for that! *Ü* These people have become an integral part of my life... I worry about them, I pray for them, and I love each and every one of them.
I feel like I've been one of the luckiest people in the world to have been able to work with people that I can genuinely call some of my dearest friends (Jill, Heather, Janet, and yes, even Mark... we'll always be a team). You are the ones I've confided in, the ones I've gleaned from - you've taught me so much about life - from family and the great balancing act we each do every day, to church callings and trek and girls camp, to what's happening in town and where the best eating joint is (and what are we doing for lunch today?), to what's the latest with the new building (which I don't even get to be a part of!), to what to wear and what our latest diets are, to what our favorite new songs are, and who's winning on our fantasy leagues... and I won't even mention the great gossip we've gotten down and dirty with!
You know me so well... you played Shania Twain's 'Up!' full blast when you knew I was down. You jumped up and down and screamed with me when Chris made the JV team. You've been mad at Mike just because I was... and forgave him when I did. We've made pacts not to take our business to places because one of us had an 'incident' there. You were my greatest support when life came crashing down on me last year... and you were excited and thrilled for me when we finally found home. We have cried together and more often than that, laughed together until we cried. We have private jokes that I won't even put on here - but we will always know what the peace sign really means (if held over your forehead); the truth about stars on the calendar; that Heather holding a fork will forever make us laugh; how BA wishes he could dress while directing traffic; Mark's gift before going to Hawaii; where Jill, er, 'Matilda' was before her interview with John; that the words to the song are 'three way chat'; and more important than any of those... that we would all 'go to the ground' for each other, even if it's just in our imagination because of the crazy guy in the lobby.
P.S. there are so many more... if you remember, will you share in my comments? Remember, as little detail as is needed to bring back the memory - we don't want to implicate anyone! *Ü*
Oh my heck!!! I'm sitting here bawling like a little baby. Guess you've seen that before huh!! I tried to be really strong just for you but I can't any more. This department will never been the same nor will our "team". You are a VERY BIG part of my life. I will be forever grateful to call you my FRIEND!! (one of my very best friends) The feeling was there right from the start!! Keep in touch!
My sister and her family just moved to Alabama on Wednesday and I will miss her (and especially her 1 year old little boy!) terribly. I'm a big believer in the "seeyalaterloveyabye" concept. Saying goodbye is just too hard! :S