Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Great Halloween!

It was so fun to hang out with Hannah Montana, Batman, Tinkerbell, and more! I even had fun making those witch finger cookies, which were super easy and the kids loved them. I'm surprised how many people asked how I talked Mike into being a guy cheerleader... well, if you've seen Saturday Night Live with Will Ferrel, you'd understand... "R-O-W-D-I-E, that's how we spell rowdy!"... it's way more fun to watch them do it on t.v. though... and our kids were terrified we were going to embarrass them, so we played it chill. We were way more fun at home when no one was watching... "Who's that peeking outta my teepee?" "It's me!"..... so funny!


  1. What great pics! Thanks for sharing your Halloween highlights! As always, you and Mike make the perfect couple!

  2. I loved your costumes, they were hilarious! Goooo Spartans!

  3. Great Costumes!!!
    I can't believe anyone loves Halloween like you guys do!!


  4. You did look great! I don't think you did anything embarrassing..but then I am a fellow un-cool parent :-)

  5. Your costumes were AWESOME!! I wish we would have dressed up.
