Sunday, January 18, 2009

Time stopped today...

Just shortly after we got home from church today, I got the news that my baby brother, only 23 years old, passed away unexpectedly. I can't stop crying and my heart is aching... to give him one more hug, to sit and have one more good long talk, to tell him one more time how much I adore him, respect him, and especially love him.
I love you, Jon... and will miss you greatly, my sweet and tender big little brother.


  1. Tricia- I am so sorry..
    Please let me know if there is anything we can do! Our hearts and prayers are with you...

  2. Tricia-

    I am so sorry to hear this! You and your family will be in our prayers! ((((HUGS))))

  3. Oh Tricia! I am so sorry! How heartbreaking! Your family will be in our prayers.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about this. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. I am so sad for you all tonight. You will all be in our prayers.

  6. Tricia... we are so saddened to hear this news. We love you, and you and Aunt Debbie will be in our thoughts and prayers. May the you find comfort and strength in the Lord during this difficult time.

  7. Tricia.. I am so sorry. We just never know what the Lord has in store for us. We have you and your family in our prayers and please, please let us know if we can do anything at all. Love you, Lyds

  8. Oh my goodness... I am so sorry. We will keep you in our prayers and I hope you are comforted at this hard time. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

    P.S. Sydney has really come to love you! She usually won't come close to anyone, let alone sit on their lap. Maybe a good hug from her would help!

  9. I'm so very sorry! My prayers are with you.

  10. Tricia I am so sorry I hope you know we love you and your family and will keep you in our prayers let me know if I can do anything for you

  11. I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  12. Our family is so sorry for your loss. PLease know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers

  13. Tricia I am so sorry to hear about your brother.

    Tonight I will pray for you and your family.

  14. I am so sorry. I wish we were closer by so I could come give you a hug. Virtual hugs!

  15. Hey its your cousion Tara wish i could have been there for you guys but i prayed for all of yall and know its a difficult time and will continue to pray for yall.
    Love you

  16. Tricia,
    I am so sorry. I love you, and Kitty, and wish so much we were closer like the old days...I'd give you a big hug right now if I could. You, Kitty, David, and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you.
